Hello all,
well I am back, I had a fab hol!!....I did manage to buy some crafting goodies...but not from a dedicated crafting shop...still I came home with 5 paper stacks!!!! thankfully I was on holiday with my extended family, so everyone was given a pad to put in their suitcase, so I had no problems with excess baggage!!!!!
I have major jet lag...I currently don't own a pair of ankles! I did get a good sleep last night...it was needed after being awake for about 33 hours...
This is a card I made a while ago, I have had no chance to play....but I am itching to get back into the whole crafting lark.
I will be back soon.
Hugs Juls
Just as a quick P.S........Mr Blogger has been eating some of my comments, when I press publish some of them show, and others dont...its very annoying, but just to let you know I have read them all, even if they dont show up on my post....I do really appreciate them all.....