Yes it seems like I have disappeared of the face of the earth! We are beginning to get some sleep through the night now, but she still does no more than catnap during the day, where I frantically run round trying to get some jobs in the house done!! so very little time for crafting, still watching and spending though!!
The other night my Hubby took main babysitting duties, and I just did the feeding and he allowed me to escape into the loft for a little while and have a play, I had just been watching the Graphic 45 hours on c&c and managed to sit on my hands!!! I knew I had a couple of sheets tucked away somewhere in my stash, so feeling all inspired I dug them out and had a little play! I have teamed it up with some Kanban Velacetate, and then I coloured the ladies lips red with my prisma pencils and that was it.
Hopefully as my little sweetie settles I will get more time to play and will be able to make an appearance here more often!!
hugs to you all