Hello All,
I am back from my hols, I managed to get down there, but had to take medication to stop me from being sick... once I got there I spent the whole time lying on the sofa! and I wasn't well enough to sit and colour, however I did complete my cross stitch, this used to be my main hobby before I discovered papercrafting, I dont do it as much now but I still always have one on the go! ...... I want to do one for baby, but after trawling the Internet I love anything really girly, or something like Cars, so I have decided to wait until I know what it is before starting one, knowing me it will be about 10 before I have it completed!!!!! ...... this one is meant to have beading on it to, but I have lost the packet of beads so I will have to wait until a later date! She is "Marilyn Robertson - Lola"
I actually had a good day yesterday, so we started moving my craft stuff into the loft, by that I mean I managed to get in the loft without being sick, and I sat on a chair wrapped in a blanket whilst my poor hubby came up and down the loft with endless boxes and then I pointed out where I wanted them put ..... Its actually looking really good, I love the quirky feel to it, I think its quite "Artsy!" I have just ordered a Ottlite, so I have decent lighting for colouring, as that will be the main problem working in the loft.
I am still playing catch up with you all (the story of my life!!) but I should get round to see you soon.
Thanks for looking
Hugs Juls