Wednesday 23 October 2013

Show Us Your first Nellie!!!

Hello All,

Well, I am so behind at the mo its shocking!! I knew that building an extension would be stressful just didn't realize quite how much so!! ... Also got some majorly stressful things going on with work so that's my reasons for my absence in blogland!!

Onto the more pleasant things in life .... like craft!! LOL, over at the sugar bowl we have a new challenge running, this time we have a little theme of  "use your first sugar Nellie stamp" ... So which stamp began your Sugar addication!! cant wait to find out!!

Have to say it was fun dusting of an older stamp .... I do love this little sweetie, I bought this from one of my little trips to Elgin, along with 2 other Elizabeth Bell stamps .... I now have over 100 Nellies!!

Please check out the challenge over at the sugar bowl, hope to see you there.

I would also like to enter this card in the following challenges:

Sister Act - Anything Goes
Stamping for the weekend - Anything Goes

Thanks for looking
Hugs Juls


  1. Such a sweet image and incorporated into a beautiful card. Sounds like life is super hectic for you, hope you are ok though. Take care.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  2. Such a sweet card, gorgeous bright colours. Hugs, Claire x

  3. This is really sweet - such a cute image!

    Thanks for joining us at Stampin' For the Weekend for our Anything Goes Challenge!


    Julie x

  4. Hello Juls ! Glad to see you !
    Your card is very pretty, so nice colours !

  5. This is just gorgeous Juls, hope things get better for you soon. Pami x

  6. GORGEOUS!!! Beautiful colouring. Glad you're back. TFS Hugs

  7. This is gorgeous sweetie, my first SN stamp was a E.Bell one & 2 Manga ones...........they were my first ever stamps actually. May have to try join in this challenge.
    Good luck with your extension hun, we should be having one done next year for Natalie..........not looking forward to it at all.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  8. so gorgeous juls.really love your sweet suger nellie image and stunning colouring and design :D

    xx coops xx

  9. Hi Juls, things sound very hectic for you at the mo, hope it selects down for you soon. Gorgeous card as always, love the sweet image and she is so beautifully coloured. Great design & details too.

    Donna x

  10. Absolutely a delicious to watch, your coloring is amazing,,,,,,OMG,,,,Juls, Thanks for your comments at Brenda`s Blog abut my Christmas images,,,so feel free to ask me your favo product from all my stuff for free, let me know.
