Monday 29 October 2012

Smashing Mr Darcy

Hello All,

I know its been an absolute age, since I have posted, life working at home with a 7 month old baby is just manic, I am getting a little time to craft now and again, I just never seem to have time to photograph it and put it here, I do keep popping in and out of blogland when I have the odd 10 mins or so just to see how you are all getting on.

At the moment I am definitely loving the art journal thing ... I have just ordered 3 books off Amazon, and I am desperately waiting for them to arrive!! If I do get time to craft that is what I am picking up first, although I really need to make some cards, I always keep a little stash so I have some cards and they are fast running out!! Our local craft shop is holding an art journal class once a month, it is just fab, Hubby takes the baby and I get a few uninterrupted hours to play with inks and things and just get messy!!!

Last time I was at the craft shop this K&Co smash book fell into my basket!! This is my first attempt at a smash page! I hope you like it!! I have used the fabulous " What the librarian reads" image from Saturated Canary .... I have altered the titles of the books in seriff to reflect my Pride and Prejudice obsession ( many of you who have been following my blog for a while will be very aware of that!! ) - ( Krista, I hope it was ok to make the alteration)

I have visited Lyme park the home of Pemberly on a few occasions, a must for any P&P fan!! I was there when they had a display of costumes that were used in the Colin Firth adaptation .... yes I have actually touched the coat that Colin Firth wore!! (swoon!!) You were not supposed to, but it was just too hard to resist!! - All the leaflets have been very lovingly preserved in my best copy of P&P ( yes I have many copies) - A hard back copy with Colin Firths picture on the front!! ...... last night I took the very brave step of cutting into those treasured leaflets to make my page!! ..... Think I am glad I did, now the memories preserved in a lovely book that will have more chance of being looked at!! ........ Now for some strange reason I am really feeling the need to read P&P once again!!!!

Love to all, do think of you all often, and hope to pop round and visit you all soon!
Hugs Juls


  1. So nice to see you Julia and hear that all is OK at your end.

    Love your P & P journal page.

    Have you read the sequels to the original book ? Our Elizabeth becomes quite a racy young lady and I think Ms Brontë would have a fit of the vapours if she read it. But it makes good reading.

    Take care and see you soon.

    B x

  2. Hello Juls ! it's a pleasure to see you my friend !
    This is a fab journal page, you're very creative ! Love Krista's images !
    Big kisses my friend !

  3. Simply gorgeous Juls...and it's so lovely to see you back too hun..:o)

    I so love P&P...and Mmmmm Colin Firth the image is coloured so beautifully sweetie...

    big hugs Vicky xx

  4. Hi Juls, great to hear from you, thanks for visiting my blog. I can imagine how busy you are, but I bet you are so happy with your little one. Glad you are ok.

    I can see you journaling lots of the baby, what fun. Your page is fabulous, it's great to see your work again.

    Take care.

    Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. I too understand your P&P obsession, it's one thts close to my own heart. I have various copies of the book and tv and film adaptations too lol, but BBC Colin Firth was the best as it was so close to the book IYKWIM . Cant believe your little one is 7 months old....Time flies :0

  6. Nice to hear from you again Juls, but totally understand the lack of time with the little baby lol. The journal page is amazing, I can see why you are addicted to them. Hugs

  7. nice to see you're surviving babydom Juls. i should think journalling is the perfect thing at the moment, easy to pick and put down and do a little bit here and there. a great time to try thing out too. you look as if you are having a really good time with this page.

  8. hiya juls.great to see you on your blog hun and thanks for your recent comments on mine too :D
    love your smash page, great deign and the sc image is fab :D
    i hope you are all doing well and can`t believe your little girl is 7 months old already, that has gone so fast.

    xx coops xx

  9. Good to hear from you Juls and to see that you are still finding some time to craft. Great page - just wish I could get into it. Bought several books but as yet they are all totlly devoid of any ink or colour of any discription.
    Beryl xx

  10. I love your journal page juls and miss seeing your lovely craft work, you know I've always been a fan. Glad you are all well and have had time to share some news. Enjoy your baby and remember the crafting will always be waiting when you have more time.
    take care , big hugs. janex

  11. Hi Juls!! Your Smash page is wonderful! I love art journaling books, too. Let me know which ones you ordered or which ones you like best! Kath

  12. This is fabulous sweetie I love your journal page. I intend starting the new year doing some smashing hubster is getting me some smashing stuff for crimbo, I've never scrap booked but thought it looks easier to smash. I hope so anyway lol. Its great to see you bakc hun & I hope you & your baby are doing fine, I cant believe she is 7 months old already, doesnt it fly by. My grandaughter is 10 months old now & very active lol.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  13. Good to see you back. How are you and baby doing. I love your Smash Book page, very pretty. Deb x

  14. Don't know what happened yesterday but I was convinced I'd left a comment. My internet can be a right pest though so obviously it didn't work!!

    Good to see you posting again with an amazing journal page. I'm sure you must be missing crafting and blogging just now but of course you'll be busy with your baby. Make the most of your time while she's a baby cos it doesn't last! When Poppy went to school in August it seems no time since Catriona was the one going to school for the first time. Really nice that your husband does his bit so you can get to your art journal class. Good to have some time to do what you love.

    Kat xx

  15. Sending love right back at ya Juls!!

    So pleased you are finding time to do some crafting!! You sound one very busy young lady!!

    I hope your books have arrived.

    Love Jules xx

  16. Hi Juls!!! :) Very very cute! And glad to see you are finding time here and there to craft .. relaxing isn't it? hehe!!

    Big Hugs,

  17. What a fabulous journal page Lovin' all the beautiful details!

  18. hey hon..good to see you back :-)..i LOVE P&P too..favourite bit is still when he's just got out of the water ..hmmmmmmm....:-)..hugs Debs x

  19. Ooh! Juls, you sound so busy hun. Worth every minute though. Hope your lil' sweetie is doing well.

    Great to see you here in blogland. Gorgeous journal page, love all the details.

    Donna x
